The Five of Pentacles represents struggles that come from financial obligations, loss and material concerns in general. It also shows differences and incompatibilities that cause disruptions. The Five of Swords indicates conflicts, hostility, defeat and dishonor. The energy of the Five of Swords is very disruptive and it manifests as chaotic energies and people acting out of self-interest. The Five of Pentacles and the Five of Swords is a difficult combination that will manifest as a turn for the worse.

Possible Manifestations of the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Swords

  • Arguments over material problems
  • Dealing with a challenging situation
  • Self-defeating behavior
  • Slowing down
  • Stressing over financial problems
  • Battling with a big challenge
  • Violence
  • Bank abuse
  • Illegal business deals
  • Losing more than you gain
  • Change that comes with upheaval
  • Dirupted communication
  • Feeling defeated
  • The end justifies the means 
  • Feeling ostracized/abandoned
  • Enemies
  • Negative feelings
  • Passive-aggressive
  • Unemployment
  • Struggling with scarcity
  • Loss of security
  • Feeling miserable
  • Mismanagement

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning. The elements of the cards are Earth (Five of Pentacles) and Air (Five of Swords). Since both cards show chaotic energies, in this case, the blending of earth and air will be like a dust storm that will block clear vision. The best we can do is to wait for the dust to settle and then take action.

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