
Week June 12 to June 18 2023

Intuitive Tarot Predictions for all Signs by Psychic Life Coach Kassie Kai Week 12 June To 18 June 2023

Week of June 5 to June 11 2023

Intuitive Tarot Predictions for all Signs by Psychic Life Coach Kassie Kai Week 5 June to 11 June 2023

Magician and Two of Wands

The Magician is a card of action, manifestation, individuality and creation. He's the master of personal Will and Intention. The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, dilemmas, and action. It represents a balancing act, triggered by a choice. Together, they suggest that you have the ability to harness your talents, take initiative, and manifest your goals and...

Five of Cups and Three of Cups

The Five of Cups is the card of loss, regrets and disappointments. Often it appears when we go to war with life, when we refuse to accept that things sometimes don't go the way we want them to go. The 3 of Cups is often associated with groups of women, friends and like-minded people and it represents people we love and people who love us. Together, they may...

Nine of Cups and Five of Pentacles

The Nine of Cups is the symbol of emotional fulfillment. Regardless of his reputation as the "wish" card, the Nine of Cups - like all 9s- often leaves out others and focuses on the individual. That's why the Nine of Cups, in most cases, indicates situations that make us feel happy with who we are and what we have achieved. The Five of Pentacles represents struggles...

Page of Swords and Eight of Cups

The Page of Swords is a highly energetic card. Talkative, inquisitive, straightforward, but sometimes aggressive, suspicious and disruptive, the Page of Swords is related to communications, ideas, speech and is trying to achieve balance during or after a phase of transition or a temporary situation. The Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and it expresses...

Week of May 29 to June 4 2023

Intuitive Tarot Predictions for all Signs by Psychic Life Coach Kassie Kai Week 29 May to 4 June 2023

Week of May 22 to May 28 2023

Intuitive Tarot Predictions for all Signs by Psychic Life Coach Kassie Kai Week 22 May to 28 May 2023

Week of May 15 to May 21 2023

Intuitive Tarot Predictions for all Signs by Psychic Life Coach Kassie Kai Week 15 May to 21 May 2023

Nine of Swords and Five of Swords

The Nine of Swords is the card of extreme stress, nightmares and negative influences. It is also a card of painful endings. The Five of Swords indicates conflicts, hostility, defeat and dishonor. The energy of the Five of Swords is very disruptive and it manifests as chaotic energies and people acting out of self-interest. The combination of the Nine of Swords...

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