
Wheel of Fortune and Eight of Cups

The Wheel of Fortune is the card that foretells change, luck and happenstance. Often such changes are triggered by life and that's why the Wheel of Fortune is also a card of destiny and time cycles. The Wheel turns for everyone and no one can escape its shifts. The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and we feel the desire to withdraw, to walk away...

Strength and Six of Cups

The Strength card symbolizes courage in the face of something that looks bigger and stronger than us. It's the inner power that conquers fear, it's self-discipline and perseverance. The Six of Cups is the card of past, nostalgia, reunions. It is considered as one of the 'karmic' cards in Tarot, as some say that it shows connections from past lives. The combination...

Queen of Cups and Six of Wands

The Queen of Cups is focused on emotions and emotional matters. She has a gentle, receptive and passive nature and she can be a great helper, healer and counselor. Ill-dignified, the Queen of Cups is the personification of the drama queen.The Six of Wands, called "Victory", bears the element of interaction. It describes a situation that cannot exist without the...

Knight of Swords and Three of Pentacles

The Knight of Swords is logical, witty, analytical, just, but he can also be impatient, judgmental, ruthless and verbally aggressive. The Three of Pentacles is a card of planning, hard work, growth and teamwork. It's a grounding, expanding and stable card that provides strong foundation for any type of project, be it professional or personal.  The combination...

Ace of Swords and Nine of Pentacles

The Ace of Swords is a card of clarity, ideas and control/self-discipline. It often comes up when we have "a-ha" moments, but it also shows the need to removes undesired energies from our life. The ace of swords is also associated ith the mind, intellect and communication. The Nine of Pentacles is the card of abundance, of comfort and security, but primarily,...

Ace of Cups and Death

The Ace of Cups suggests new emotional beginnings, love, and intuition. It's a sign of emotional and spiritual abundance, signaling a period of happiness and fulfillment. When paired with Death, a card of transformation, endings, and new beginnings, it suggests that an emotional transformation is underway. A new, deeply emotional phase of life may be about to...

Two of Pentacles and Six of Wands

The Two of Pentacles is a card of change and it is trying to achieve balance during or after a phase of transition or a temporary situation. The Six of Wands, called "Victory", bears the element of interaction. It describes a situation that cannot exist without the contribution of (at least) two people and which usually results in a "win-win" outcome. The combination...

Seven of Cups and High Priestess

The Seven of Cups is a card of options, daydreaming, procrastination and scattered energies. The High Priestess is the female principle, passive, secretive and receptive. She symbolizes hidden knowledge, mysteries, intuition and is associated with the Moon and its phases. The combination of the Sevn of Cups and the High Priestess shows energies that are unclear...

Hierophant and Six of Pentacles

The Hierophant represents a bridge between spiritual and physical world and is associated with religion, traditions, conventional ways, but also higher knowledge, contracts, organizations. The Hierophant can be a guide, a teacher, a counselor and in his negative manifestation he can be stubborn, hide-bound, short-sighted. The Hierophant is also card of forgiveness...

Three of Wands and Emperor

The Three of Wands is the card of the future, as it talks about our expectations and the consequences of our actions. It also means that we've been through the first stages of a process and we're waiting to reap the benefits. The Emperor is one of the masculine archetypes in Tarot and he represents control, structures, stability, power and discipline. The Emperor...

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