
Three of Pentacles and Queen of Wands

The Three of Pentacles is a card of planning, hard work, growth and teamwork. It's a grounding, expanding and stable card that provides strong foundation for any type of project, be it professional or personal. The Queen of Wands is a doer, the active energy that takes immediate action and gets things done. She is enthusiastic, skillful, a true visionary. When...

Seven of Cups and Two of Wands

The Seven of Cups is a card of options, daydreaming, procrastination, while the Two of Wands indicates dilemmas, decisions and a desire for action. The common theme of the two cards is a certain difficulty in decision making. The difference between these two is that the Seven of Cups doesn't mind staying happily lost in reveries, but the Two of Wands feels restless...

Ten of Swords and Five of Cups

The Ten of Swords and the Five of Cups describe the first stage after a painful ending. It's the stage of grief, of mourning, which comes naturally after the loss of something or someone that played an important role in our life. The challenge that this combination will make us face is whether we'll be able to rise above the loss or dwell in the past, feeling...

Seven of Pentacles and Death

The card of patience and timing, paired with the card of transformation, change and endings, point to a situation which drags on for too long, as the persons involved are reluctant to face whatever issues they may have due to fear of the unknown. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that our efforts haven't brought the results we expected them to bring and w...

Judgement and Queen of Swords

The Judgment is the card of revelations, announcements, awakenings, rebirth, absolution and of course judgments. The Queen of Swords represents the power of the mind from which actions and decisions arise. The logical -rather than emotional- process of information. Such a combination could indicate a clear decision, made after a discovery or epiphany. ...

Hermit and Six of Swords

The common element of the two cards is the desire for peace of mind, for a more relaxed state of being. The Hermit has the tendency to withdraw in order to find answers in solitude, avoiding interference from others. The Six of Swords gives a push towards a new direction, a calmer destination. Often these two cards predict the end of crisis - the calm after the...

Five of Wands and Ace of Swords

The Five of Wands is a card related to competition and fighting. We enter a competition to win, to get what we want, be it a job, a relationship or any other type of reward. The Ace of Swords in this case, could symbolize the reward itself. The type of reward would be described by the very nature of Swords, which are related to mind, intellect, communication,...

Death and Knight of Pentacles

In this combination, the transformative nature of the Death card is given shape and direction by the Knight of Pentacles. The Death always shows some sort of ending, often unwanted and in some cases unexpected too. The Knight of Pentacles gives us insight on what happens after the ending and what the next stage/step will be. The Knight of Pentacles is about being...

Four of Swords and Four of Cups

When we get a combination of cards of the same number, we should always take into account what that specific number represents. In Tarot, 4s symbolize stability, foundations, results, but also stagnation and resistance to change. The Four of Swords represents a break, a pause, a desire to find peace of mind, while the Four of Cups is related to routine, stagnation,...

Ace of Wands and Seven of Swords

The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of action, the spark of an idea. Given the fiery nature of Wands, we should expect that enthusiasm, passion, optimism along with a strong desire to achieve goals will be the fuel that energizes the initiation of action. The Seven of Swords, traditionally related to theft, lies, deception, cheating, suggests we shoul...

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