Queen of Swords and Star

The Queen of Swords represents the power of the mind that fuels actions and decisions, the logical (rather than emotional) process of information. The Queen of Swords has sharp intellect and clear judgment.  The Star represents healing, hope and guidance. It also shows distance, primarily in time. The combination of the Queen of Swords and the Star indicates a solution or idea that leads to a positive outcome.

Possible manifestations of the Queen of Swords and the Star

  • A moment of revelation
  • Receiving guidance from a woman
  • Having reasonable expectations
  • A distant woman
  • Being cold and unemotional
  • Someone who shows you the way
  • Revelation of truth
  • Someone who sees the bigger picture
  • A woman who gives hope
  • Getting inspiration
  • Finding a solution
  • Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
  • Feeling blessed
  • Being healed from physical or emotional trauma
  • Having clarity
  • Receiving spiritual messages
  • Being intelligent and idealistic
  • A woman worth admiration
  • Being optimistic

Elemental Dignities  

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning.  The elements of the cards are Air (Queen of Swords) and Air (Star). A very energetic combination which emphasizes the meanings of the cards. Since Air is associated with the mind, we should expect that thoughts will be intense, but hopeful and optimistic as the Star sugests.

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