Strength and Ten of Cups

The Strength card symbolizes courage in the face of something that looks bigger and stronger than us. It's the inner power that conquers fear, it's self-discipline, perseverance and determination to overcome obstacles. The Ten of Cups is the card of happiness, blessings, family and true love. It foretells the arrival of a positive phase where joining forces create an atmosphere of harmony and good fortune. The combination of the Strength and the Ten of Cups shows effort and patience that lead to positive results.

Possible Manifestations of the Strength and the Ten of Cups

  • Efforts paying off
  • Successful resolution of a long standing issue
  • Marriage after a long engagement
  • Taking his/her time to commit
  • A strong community
  • Strong family bonds
  • Consistent efforts that lead to positive results
  • Overcoming family issues
  • A long process that leads to emotional maturity
  • A strong marriage
  • Working on family matters
  • Overcoming difficulties in marriage
  • Keeping annoying family members away
  • Strength in numbers
  • A supportive family
  • A stable alliance

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meanings. The elements of the cards are Fire (Strength) and Water (Ten of Cups). Fire and Water do not support each other, on the contrary, they fight each other. So we should expect that the energies of the cards will be in contrast. That's why with this combination the presence of challenges and difficulties is certain, but eventually things will stabilize and all the hard work will pay off.

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