Week of July 8 to July 14 2024

Weekly Tarot Predictions for All Signs 8 -14 July with Kassie

This week’s energies are shaping up to be a thrilling and intense adventure. The Devil card signals temptations and obsessions, testing your willpower, while the 9 of Swords hints at sleepless nights filled with anxiety. Thankfully, the 4 of Swords urges moments of rest and recuperation. You'll need resilience, as the 9 of Wands suggests ongoing challenges, and the 10 of Wands indicates a heavy workload. The King and Queen of Swords bring clarity and intellect, cutting through the noise with decisive action and sharp analysis, while the Knight of Swords adds fast-paced energy. Balancing this intensity, the King of Cups offers emotional stability and wisdom, and the Queen of Pentacles encourages practicality and nurturing your well-being. Expect potential conflicts signaled by the Five of Wands, and the Wheel of Fortune adds unpredictability, reminding you that fate can turn in any direction. This week will be a rollercoaster of emotions, mental battles, and opportunities for growth, pushing you to stay balanced, resilient, and ready for anything.

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