
Week of September 13 to September 29 2021

Tarot Predictions for all signs for the week 13 to 19 September 2021 by Kassie Kai

Week of September 6 to September 2021

Tarot Predictions for all signs for the week 6 to 12 September 2021 by Kassie Kai

Week of August 30 to September 5 2021

Tarot Predictions for all signs for Week of August 23 to August 29 2021 by Kassie Kai

Week of August 23 to August 29 2021

Tarot Predictions for Week of August 23 to August 29 2021 by Kassie Kai

Week of August 16 to August 22 2021

Tarot Predictions for Week 9 to 15 August 2021 by Kassie Kai

Weekly Tarotscopes Week August 9 to August 15 2021

Tarot Predictions for Week 9 to 15 August 2021 Tarot Deck Used: Anima Mundi

Week of August 2 to August 8 2021

Aries: Chariot: There will be different energies that will pull you in different directions this week and you may feel a little indecisive or confused. The good news is that you are in control of the situation and if you use your willpower and determination, you will eventually get what you want. Whatever you are dealing with, know that you have the upper hand....

Week of July 26 to August 1 2021

Aries: Seven of Swords: You will be thinking on your feet, as there's a problem that you need to resolve fast and you will be trying to outsmart competition too. In order to do that you have to think outside the box, analyzing the facts and only then you will be able to formulate a strategy and find a creative solution. If your attitude and plans have not been...

Week of July 29 to July 25 2021

Aries: Ten of Pentacles: A relationship or project is about to pass to the next level and there's a supportive group of people or community that will help you achieve your goal. Things are on the upswing and a more peaceful period is coming. Security in all forms will be a top priority that's why it's best that you stick to tried and familiar methods and avoid...

Week of July 12 to July 18 2021

Aries: Hanged Man: Once the action has been taken, all you can do is sit tight. You've done your best by what you think right and now you wait and see. Even though you don't know the outcome, you did the right thing in the moment. Remain still and quiet, employing meditation or prayer to comfort the heart and mind. Although you will get impatient, adopt a passive...

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