Aries: Page of Cups: You will be reflecting on developing an artistic or psychic talent by means of a course or a program of study. Before you invest your time and energy in anything, you need to be sure that there's a chance that it will develop and mature. Messages or communication that you've been expecting will finally come and the news will be good. Don't...
Aries: Star: A moment of peace will bring inspiration and insight and something that has been confusing will start making sense. There will be signs that will point to the right direction and you will notice that life is taking a new pattern. This is your chance to escape a limiting situation, as after many trials, you are finally able to make a better choice....
Aries: Six of Wands: This week a stage seems to be completed and a gift or a gesture will prove that you have achieved a goal. You will feel encouraged and optimistic to move to the next phase and there will be those who will support your efforts in various ways. Things seem to speed up at least and fast developments will follow. Stay tuned to the current energies...
Aries: Death: There's a change that you fear, but change is inevitable. A chapter in your life is about to end and what comes next largely depends on how you will react. Acceptance is the key here – resistance will just make things harder. The universe will not allow stagnation, especially if you keep something negative in your life for too long. Trust the process...
Aries: Knight of Pentacles: Practical matters will require you attention this week and you will decide to go ahead with a plan or commitment that may involve managing money or holding a position of responsibility. Try to choose options that favor security and structure and try to see the bigger picture. Make a point to remain flexible because as you go ahead,...
Aries: Knight of Cups: There will be passionate and emotional engagement with someone, motivated by the desire to unite and share. A nice gesture will make you feel good and will show you that someone cares. Don't be afraid to take risks in love at this stage -odds seem to be in your favor. It's OK to be open, affectionate and sentimental. Your connections now...
Aries: Temperance: You will be trying to find the right elements to make something happen, as there will be various influences around you and people pulling you in different directions. You will have to choose the right path and the right path is that which brings more balance to your life. Consider using mixed media to achieve a goal but make sure everything...
Aries: Four of Wands: A challenge is finally over and you will soon get a reward for your hard efforts. You have established a strong foundation to build upon and like-minded people will come to your aid. You will feel like taking a few days off to recoup and recharge as you need energy for the new stage that it's about to begin. You are going to organize or...
Aries: King of Swords: There’s an issue that you need to resolve and a decision that needs to be made. But you are getting confused as emotions and logic are not aligned. Clear thinking and good reason will be your allies now. Don’t get carried away by illusions of being saved by love or spirituality. Choose reality over comfort and you will soon find that was...
Aries: Judgment: You are longing for a big change and a big change is right around the corner, but you know what you have to do for this change to manifest, don't you? Keep in mind that you can't take the past with you, although you will take with you the consequences of your past actions and choices. Unlike others, this will be a change that you can control,...