search "Devil"

Devil and Four of Cups

 The Devil is the card of addictions, obsessions, sex, temptation and unhealthy patterns. It is also associated with money, fame and material possessions. The Four of Cups is related to routine, stagnation, dissatisfaction, boredom. Sometimes it points to an opportunity that goes unnoticed, while we focus on all the unpleasant things we experience. The combination...

World and Devil

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, that's why it's associated with completion and endings. It's also associated with journeys and traveling. The Devil is the card of addictions, obsessions, sex, temptation and unhealthy patterns. They both belong to the Major Arcana and as a combination they could indicate a significant event or influence ...

Fool and Ace of Wands

The Fool is a card that shows the wheels are set in motion. It represents new beginnings, adventures, innocence, infinite potential. This card cannot predict positive or negative outcomes, simply because the raw energy of the Fool could be projected in any possible direction, for better or worse. The Ace of Wands, yet another card that symbolizes new beginnings,...