search "Elemental Dignities"

Two of Pentacles and Queen of Wands

The Two of Pentacles is a card of change and it is trying to achieve balance during or after a phase of transition or a temporary situation. The Queen of Wands is a doer, the active energy that takes immediate action and gets things done. She is enthusiastic, skillful, a true visionary. The Queen of Wands could either be a person that will play an important role...

Strength and Ten of Cups

The Strength card symbolizes courage in the face of something that looks bigger and stronger than us. It's the inner power that conquers fear, it's self-discipline, perseverance and determination to overcome obstacles. The Ten of Cups is the card of happiness, blessings, family and true love. It foretells the arrival of a positive phase where joining forces...

Eight of Swords and Six of Swords

The Eight of swords often represents a mental prison. Under its influence, we feel trapped, bullied, powerless and misunderstood. The good news is that in most cases, the Eight of Swords describes a temporary situation that will soon shift and change. The Six of Swords predicts peace after a period of turmoil. It gives a gentle a push towards a new direction,...

Page of Wands and King of Pentacles

The Page of Wands is a dynamic, energetic card, associated with the desire to create. Enthusiasm, bold moves, spontaneity, new beginnings and messages are associated with this Page. The King of Pentacles is practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. He is family and career oriented, but in his negative manifestation...

Eight of Cups and Queen of Cups

The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation, to change, as we hear the calling of a new or different future. In some cases the Eight of Cups can even indicate betrayal. The Queen of Cups is focused on feelings and emotional matters. She has a gentle, receptive and passive nature and...

Ten of Pentacles and Six of Cups

The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business issues. It stands for assets, security, traditions, inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people, like for example the neighborhood or big companies. The Six of Cups is the card of past, nostalgia, reunions. It is considered as one of the 'karmic' cards in Tarot, as some say it can show connections...

Emperor and Magician

The Emperor is one of the masculine archetypes in Tarot and he represents control, structures, stability, power and discipline. The Emperor describes someone with great power and authority, someone who is influential, logical and practical. The Magician is a card of action and manifestation, individuality and creation, the master of personal Will and Intention....

Moon and High Priestess

The Moon is associated with subconscious fears, darkness, secrets, mistakes and mood swings. The High Priestess is the female principle, passive, secretive and receptive. She represents hidden knowledge, mysteries, intuition and is associated with the Moon and its phases. With this pair nothing is open and out in the light and there’s nothing rational, harmonious...

Two of Wands and Two of Cups

The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, dilemmas, and action. It represents a balancing act, triggered by a choice and/or by taking action. The Two of Cups predicts a happy meeting between friends/lovers or a successful partnership at work. Typically, 2s show ambiguity and with  this combination we should expect some hesitation or a contrast...

King of Pentacles and Two of Cups

The King of Pentacles is extremely practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. In his negative manifestation he can be stubborn, boring, conservative and short-sighted. The Two of Cups often predicts a happy meeting between friends or lovers. In this card, opposites come together in a harmonious union. The combination...