The Ace of Cups is a card of new emotional beginnings, compassion, love, and intuition. It signals the start of new relationships or the deepening of existing ones. The Hierophant, on the other hand, represents tradition, conformity, morality, and belief. When these two cards come together, they suggest a relationship or situation that is grounded in traditional...
Η Αυτοκράτειρα είναι μια παθητική, σοφή, θρεπτική, υποστηρικτική ενέργεια, που σχετίζεται με τον φυσικό κόσμο, την αφθονία και τη γονιμότητα. Είναι η Μητέρα αρχέτυπο του Ταρώ. Ο Ιεροφάντης αντιπροσωπεύει μια γέφυρα μεταξύ του πνευματικού και του φυσικού κόσμου και συνδέεται με τη θρησκεία, τις παραδόσεις, τους συμβατικούς τρόπους, αλλά και την ανώτερη γνώση,...
Aries: Page of Wands: You are planning on starting something new, or entering a new phase in your life. Your focus now is on the course of action you will take and you will feel enthusiastic and excited making plans about your next steps. Try to balance impatience and make sure that your project, venture or study is built on a strong foundation. This is an exciting...
Aries: Seven of Pentacles: You will feel a little discouraged as there are delays and slow moving developments and you may even question whether your efforts will produce the desired results. Take a moment to reflect and evaluate your progress and you will see that even if things appear to be moving slowly, your abilities grow and you are developing new skills...
Aries: Hierophant: Your personal code will be tested this week as you will be asked to make a decision that may go against your religious or philosophical values. News about a contract or a document you've been expecting will arrive and you may decide to validate special relationships through formal and ritual commitments. You will find the guidance you need,...
Aries: Five of Pentacles: You are being hard on yourself because you feel there's a certain situation that you think you brought on yourself. Although that can be true to a certain extent, keep in mind that consciously or not, we all set challenges for ourselves, often to learn a lesson and to grow through the process. You need a helping hand at this stage,...
Aries: Page of Wands: You will try to see beyond the current limitations and you will envision the future that you want to manifest and that's the first step that will get you where you want to be. An offer or proposal is coming your way. Keep building up momentum and avoid procrastination. Try to be stronger than you strongest excuse! Taurus: Nine of Wan...
Aries: High Priestess: There's a situation that feels vague and uncertain, primarily because there are energies that haven't been revealed and secrets that are kept. People will be cryptic and you will not know where you stand, as things will be rather confusing. On the other hand, your intuition is quite strong and the first impression you get is usually the...
Aries: Sun: Now that things are finally beginning to make sense, you will find that your thoughts gravitate towards positivity too. You will experience some good moments soon and difficult energies will start shifting. Don't miss opportunities for fun - you do need to recharge and recoup. Your life is as good as your mindset. Taurus: Strengt...
Aries: Five of Swords: Are you trying to control everyone around you demanding that it be in your way? Are you viewing every situation as having a victor and a defeated? Try to take a step back and see what effect you're having on other people's lives. Don't be demanding at this stage. Trying to win at all costs can have consequences that you will...