Αναζήτηση για "Knight of Pentacles"

Week of June 7 to June 13 2021

Aries: Wheel of Fortune: Expect surprises and a change of energies this week. Things that have been stuck for a while will finally start moving and you will find yourself in a very different situation soon. You can't rely on anything for now, give it time for energies to settle down. Embrace change even if it feels uncomfortable at times, even if you don't know...

Week of May 24 to May 30 2021

Aries: Five of Pentacles: You will be feeling a little low this week, as you think there are things missing from your life and that you could have done better on certain levels. And even if that's true to a certain extent, that does not mean that those things cannot be acquired in the near future. It's just a matter of planning and perspective. Don't let yourself...

Week of April 19 to April 25 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You feel a strong urge to move forward and make new beginnings and you know that something needs to be done, but you're not quite sure what the right action would be. To figure it out, you must ask questions. Ask yourself what you want your life to be in a year from now and take the right action to make it happen. You will lose some things...

Week of February 8 to February 14 2021

Aries: Six of Wands: This week a stage seems to be completed and a gift or a gesture will prove that you have achieved a goal. You will feel encouraged and optimistic to move to the next phase and there will be those who will support your efforts in various ways. Things seem to speed up at least and fast developments will follow. Stay tuned to the current energies...

Week of January 25 to January 31 2021

Aries: Knight of Pentacles: Practical matters will require you attention this week and you will decide to go ahead with a plan or commitment that may involve managing money or holding a position of responsibility. Try to choose options that favor security and structure and try to see the bigger picture. Make a point to remain flexible because as you go ahead,...

Week of December 28 2020 to January 3 2021

Aries: King of Swords: There’s an issue that you need to resolve and a decision that needs to be made. But you are getting confused as emotions and logic are not aligned. Clear thinking and good reason will be your allies now. Don’t get carried away by illusions of being saved by love or spirituality. Choose reality over comfort and you will soon find that was...

Week of December 21 to December 27 2020

Aries: Judgment: You are longing for a big change and a big change is right around the corner, but you know what you have to do for this change to manifest, don't you? Keep in mind that you can't take the past with you, although you will take with you the consequences of your past actions and choices. Unlike others, this will be a change that you can control,...

Week of November 9 to November 15 2020

Aries: Chariot: There's something you want to achieve with all your hear and you have made hard efforts to make it happen. Although you are feeling weary, you are at the end game now, so don't let doubts undermine and erode your commitment. Focus and attention will allow you to maintain power and speed. Soon you will find that rewards are coming your way. Taurus: ...

Week of October 26th to November 1st 2020

Aries: Four of Pentacles: You hate changes that are forced on you and you will fight to maintain a status quo this week. You first need to have a strong foundation to build upon, if anything is to progress in the coming weeks. External circumstances will be tricky and possibly opposed to your plans. Don't go against the tide, but do try to keep what you have...

Week of August 31 to Semptember 6 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself resisting and fighting the present moment, wishing things were different than they are. Yet, you are determined to have your way and you are ready to battle with opposition with persistence. You will soon come to realize that the reason for your frustration and pain is not a change that you fear, but resistance itself....