This New Moon in Virgo in trine with Uranus is like a black canvas, inviting you to write on it whatever you want to manifest. This powerful energy will help you strengthen your psychic abilities and will allow you to see and feel the future before it happens, so that you take advantage of the rapid changes that are going to occur in the coming days.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd of August can help you align with positive energies, as it makes a conjunction to Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Use this positive energy to reverse an unfortunate event and create better circumstances for yourself. Tarot Deck: Tarot by Nicoletta Ceccoli
The New Moon in Cancer on 9th/10th July 2021 will give a burst of transformative energy that will help you heal family relationships and contrasts. This short New Moon ritual promotes peace and reconciliation. For best results, perform your ritual near Water! Tarot Deck Used: Vice Versa Tarot
This Full Moon will bring monetary and professional new and it's about acknowledging your ability to create miracles. The Earth element is strong with this Full Moon and will help you anchor yourself in the present and produce the results you were hoping. Its energy will help you create plans and relationships that stand the test of time Tarot Deck: Old Engli...
This New Moon - Solar Eclipse in Gemini can help you turn challenge into opportunity, by clearing mental confusion and by uncovering deceptive communication. Under this intense Gemini energy, remember that awareness is your greatest weapon! Major Arcana Tarot Deck: AlexaelArtworks on Etsy Subscribe to stay tun...
The Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May 2021 will free the mind and open new horizons for those who are open and willing to change. Perform this ritual to connect with the Divine and discover your life purpose. Mystical and adventurous, Sagittarius energy will show you new paths and will help you understand why you have reincarnated at this specifi...
The New Moon in Taurus on 11th May 2021 will open for you doorways to bring material rewards and success into your life. Perform this ritual to manifest a better job, money and luxury. This New Moon calls for us to enjoy life and bring pleasure and beauty around us. Tarot Deck: Mucha Tarot Subscribe to stay tuned to more Tarot Spell Videos!
The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 27th 2021 is the first supermoon of the year. It's called a Pink Supermoon, as it appears to have a pink hue. Scorpio is a sign that's not afraid to delve deep into the darkest places and for that reason it has the ability to uncover secrets and hidden energies. This Full Moon Ritual will help you see through other peoples intentions...
The New Moon in Aries of April 11/12 2021 will help you lay intentions and start new projects and relationships. It will gift unstoppable energy, action and vitality. Tarot Deck: Tarot by Nicoletta Ceccoli Subscribe to stay tuned to more Tarot Spell Videos!
This Full Moon in Libra helps us find balance in our relationships or fix relationships that have been broken The pupose of this Tarot Spell is to help you reunite with a lost lover. In this Tarot Ritual, you will need to choose two significator cards. Click here to learn how to choose the right significator for your Tarot Spell: ~Tarot Deck: Le Joie de V...