Αναζήτηση για "Star"

Three of Cups and Ace of Cups

The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, community, and mutual joy. It signifies a time of communal happiness and emotional fulfilment. The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings, love, and abundance. It signifies a potential new start or renewal in your emotional life. Together, these cards suggest that a time of communal joy and shared celebration...

Ace of Cups and Three of Cups

The Ace of Cups is a card of new emotional beginnings, love, joy, and abundance. It indicates the initial spark of a new emotional experience, and represents a period of emotional growth or the beginning of a relationship. The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, friendship, and communal joy. It represents a time of harmony, warmth, and mutual celebration...

Ace of Cups and Two of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents new beginnings in emotional life, love, relationships, compassion, and creativity. It signifies opening your heart and letting in love, whether it is new love, self-love, or spiritual love. The Two of Cups speaks of a balanced and mutual exchange of feelings and ideas. It often indicates a partnership or relationship built on mutual...

Week of August 2 to August 8 2021

Aries: Chariot: There will be different energies that will pull you in different directions this week and you may feel a little indecisive or confused. The good news is that you are in control of the situation and if you use your willpower and determination, you will eventually get what you want. Whatever you are dealing with, know that you have the upper hand....

Week of July 26 to August 1 2021

Aries: Seven of Swords: You will be thinking on your feet, as there's a problem that you need to resolve fast and you will be trying to outsmart competition too. In order to do that you have to think outside the box, analyzing the facts and only then you will be able to formulate a strategy and find a creative solution. If your attitude and plans have not been...

Week of July 29 to July 25 2021

Aries: Ten of Pentacles: A relationship or project is about to pass to the next level and there's a supportive group of people or community that will help you achieve your goal. Things are on the upswing and a more peaceful period is coming. Security in all forms will be a top priority that's why it's best that you stick to tried and familiar methods and avoid...

Week of July 12 to July 18 2021

Aries: Hanged Man: Once the action has been taken, all you can do is sit tight. You've done your best by what you think right and now you wait and see. Even though you don't know the outcome, you did the right thing in the moment. Remain still and quiet, employing meditation or prayer to comfort the heart and mind. Although you will get impatient, adopt a passive...

Week of July 5 to July 11 2021

Aries: Lovers: You are faced by a rather difficult decision, but before you make a choice, make sure that you are assessing the situation correctly. Analyze all data, keeping in mind that something that initially appeared like a bad option. may prove to be quite positive. Although you are feeling ambivalent, when it comes to making a choice, choose with your...

New Moon in Aries Ritual | April 2021

The New Moon in Aries of April 11/12 2021 will help you lay intentions and start new projects and relationships. It will gift unstoppable energy, action and vitality. Tarot Deck: Tarot by Nicoletta Ceccoli Subscribe to stay tuned to more Tarot Spell Videos!

Week of June 21 to June 27 2021

Aries: Three of Cups: This week you will connect to others in ways that are deep and meaningful and you will have the chance to broaden your community. Turn your attention to pleasurable and playful activities, as that's what will make you feel more alive. Make plans with friends, have fun, appreciate those who are close to you and make a priority to create...