The Five of Wands is a card related to competition and fighting. We enter a competition to win, to get what we want, be it a job, a relationship or any other type of reward. The Ace of Swords in this case, could symbolize the reward itself. The type of reward would be described by the very nature of Swords, which are related to mind, intellect, communication,...
The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of action, the spark of an idea. Given the fiery nature of Wands, we should expect that enthusiasm, passion, optimism along with a strong desire to achieve goals will be the fuel that energizes the initiation of action. The Seven of Swords, traditionally related to theft, lies, deception, cheating, suggests we shoul...
The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of action, the spark of an idea. Given the fiery nature of Wands, we should expect that enthusiasm, passion, optimism along with a strong desire to achieve goals will be the fuel that energizes the initiation of action. The Eight of Cups stands for dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away...
The Strength card symbolizes courage in the face of something that looks bigger and stronger than us. It's the inner power that conquers fear, it's self-discipline and perseverance. The Five of Cups is the card of loss, regrets and disappointments. Often it appears when we go to war with life, when we refuse to accept that things sometimes don't go the way we...
The Fool is a card that shows the wheels are set in motion. It represents new beginnings, adventures, innocence, infinite potential. This card cannot predict positive or negative outcomes, simply because the raw energy of the Fool could be projected in any possible direction, for better or worse. The Ace of Wands, yet another card that symbolizes new beginnings,...
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, that's why it's associated with completion and endings. It's also associated with distance, journeys and traveling. The Sun card is a symbol of clarity, children, success, vitality, but it also warns against excess, arrogance and burnouts. The combination of the World with the Sun points to a successful conclusion...
The King of Cups foretells that emotions, relationships and matters of the heart will be in the foreground. If not ill-dignified, the King of Cups indicates that we have the experience and the maturity to deal with emotional matters efficiently. In his negative manifestation, the King of Cups can become, cold, manipulative, cruel. The Strength card represents...
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, that's why it's associated with completion and endings. It's also associated with journeys and traveling. The Nine of Cups is the symbol of emotional fulfillment. Regardless of his reputation as the "wish" card, the Nine of Cups - like all 9s- often leaves out the participation of others and focuses on the individual....
The the Eight of Cups stands for dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation, to change, as we hear the calling of a new or different future. In some cases the Eight of Cups can even indicate betrayal. The Strength card symbolizes courage in the face of something that looks bigger and stronger than us. It's the inner...
The Tower is one of the most violent cards of Tarot. It shows unexpected changes or sudden realizations that in most cases, we are not prepared to face. That said, the Tower can also be the most cathartic card. It removes illusions and opens up new doors for us. The Three of Wands is the card of the future, as it describes our expectations and the consequences...