Aries: Queen of Pentacles: Expect a professional or financial offer or proposal this week, as people start noticing that you're doing a great job. Whatever you decide to do under this influence will have solid and long-lasting results, that's why it's important that you are clear on the direction that you're heading. Don't hesitate to make adjustments where...
Aries: Death: There's a change that you fear, but change is inevitable. A chapter in your life is about to end and what comes next largely depends on how you will react. Acceptance is the key here – resistance will just make things harder. The universe will not allow stagnation, especially if you keep something negative in your life for too long. Trust the process...
Aries: Hierophant: Your personal code will be tested this week as you will be asked to make a decision that may go against your religious or philosophical values. News about a contract or a document you've been expecting will arrive and you may decide to validate special relationships through formal and ritual commitments. You will find the guidance you need,...
Aries: Page of Wands: You will try to see beyond the current limitations and you will envision the future that you want to manifest and that's the first step that will get you where you want to be. An offer or proposal is coming your way. Keep building up momentum and avoid procrastination. Try to be stronger than you strongest excuse! Taurus: Nine of Wan...
Aries: Five of Wands: There's an unsatisfied desire that makes you struggle with a certain situation and that's because there are differences between you and the other parties involved. The reality is much more complicated than you think with so many opposing forces, opinions and plans. You can actually produce positive results if you move harmoniously towards...
Aries: Chariot: There's something you want to achieve with all your hear and you have made hard efforts to make it happen. Although you are feeling weary, you are at the end game now, so don't let doubts undermine and erode your commitment. Focus and attention will allow you to maintain power and speed. Soon you will find that rewards are coming your way. Taurus: ...
Aries: High Priestess: There's a situation that feels vague and uncertain, primarily because there are energies that haven't been revealed and secrets that are kept. People will be cryptic and you will not know where you stand, as things will be rather confusing. On the other hand, your intuition is quite strong and the first impression you get is usually the...
Aries: Queen of Cups: You will get satisfaction from connecting with others and relationships will be in the spotlight as well as creative and healing projects. There will be a tendency to be a little too sensitive, but that means you will be more intuitive too. Romantic energies are around you now! Don't let emotions dominate your mind. If you are feeling overwhelmed...
Aries: Strength: Finding balance between two different aspects of your life will be your task this week. Work versus love, personal time versus family time or even your compassionate side versus your rebellious side. It will be clear that something needs to be reconciled. Through the force of reason, you can control any contrast that will arise. Just make sure...
Aries: Moon: Pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive impressions you may get this week, for there may be a message of great importance. Trust your inner voice knowing that you are the best judge at this stage. Feelings of isolation may arise, but that's normal as you are moving forward and the day will soon follow the night. Tread carefully, but don't...