Αναζήτηση για "Sun"

Ace of Cups and Sun

The Ace of Cups symbolizes emotional beginnings, compassion, love, and creativity. It represents a new relationship, a surge of emotions, or an intuitive awakening. On the other hand, the Sun signifies positivity, joy, success, and enlightenment. It's about enjoying life, feeling fulfilled, and being optimistic. Together, they point to an upcoming time of emotional...

Week of August 2 to August 8 2021

Aries: Chariot: There will be different energies that will pull you in different directions this week and you may feel a little indecisive or confused. The good news is that you are in control of the situation and if you use your willpower and determination, you will eventually get what you want. Whatever you are dealing with, know that you have the upper hand....

Week of July 26 to August 1 2021

Aries: Seven of Swords: You will be thinking on your feet, as there's a problem that you need to resolve fast and you will be trying to outsmart competition too. In order to do that you have to think outside the box, analyzing the facts and only then you will be able to formulate a strategy and find a creative solution. If your attitude and plans have not been...

Week of June 7 to June 13 2021

Aries: Wheel of Fortune: Expect surprises and a change of energies this week. Things that have been stuck for a while will finally start moving and you will find yourself in a very different situation soon. You can't rely on anything for now, give it time for energies to settle down. Embrace change even if it feels uncomfortable at times, even if you don't know...

Week of April 19 to April 25 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You feel a strong urge to move forward and make new beginnings and you know that something needs to be done, but you're not quite sure what the right action would be. To figure it out, you must ask questions. Ask yourself what you want your life to be in a year from now and take the right action to make it happen. You will lose some things...

Week of March 29 to April 4 2021

Aries: Five of Pentacles: You feel that on some level, life is less secure than you'd like it to be and that your options now are limited. If you feel that you are missing out somehow, that's because you haven't tried to ask for help. If you need help, go out and ask for it and help will come. Do not try to do everything all on your own at this stage. Something...

Week of March 8 to March 14 2021

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: Expect a professional or financial offer or proposal this week, as people start noticing that you're doing a great job. Whatever you decide to do under this influence will have solid and long-lasting results, that's why it's important that you are clear on the direction that you're heading. Don't hesitate to make adjustments where...

Week of February 1 to February 7 2021

Aries: Death: There's a change that you fear, but change is inevitable. A chapter in your life is about to end and what comes next largely depends on how you will react. Acceptance is the key here – resistance will just make things harder. The universe will not allow stagnation, especially if you keep something negative in your life for too long. Trust the process...

Week of December 14 to December 20 2020

Aries: Hierophant: Your personal code will be tested this week as you will be asked to make a decision that may go against your religious or philosophical values. News about a contract or a document you've been expecting will arrive and you may decide to validate special relationships through formal and ritual commitments. You will find the guidance you need,...

Week of November 23 to November 29 2020

Aries: Page of Wands: You will try to see beyond the current limitations and you will envision the future that you want to manifest and that's the first step that will get you where you want to be. An offer or proposal is coming your way. Keep building up momentum and avoid procrastination. Try to be stronger than you strongest excuse! Taurus: Nine of Wan...