search "Two of Cups"

King of Pentacles and Two of Cups

The King of Pentacles is extremely practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. In his negative manifestation he can be stubborn, boring, conservative and short-sighted. The Two of Cups often predicts a happy meeting between friends or lovers. In this card, opposites come together in a harmonious union. The combination...

Six of Pentacles and Two of Cups

The Six of Pentacles is the card of exchange, of giving/receiving. It's also a card of harmony and balance, so it often appears after times of strife. The Two of Cups often predicts a happy meeting between friends or lovers. In this card, opposites come together in a harmonious union. The Six of Pentacles and the Two of Cups usually foretell a balanced interaction.  ...

Two of Cups and Queen of Cups

The Two of Cups often predicts a happy meeting between friends or lovers. The Queen of Cups focuses on emotions and emotional matters. She has a gentle, receptive and passive nature and she can be a great helper, healer and counselor. Ill-dignified, the Queen of Cups is the personification of the drama queen. This a combination that predicts a slow, but smooth...