Αναζήτηση για "judgment"

Moon and Two of Cups

The Moon, a symbol of ever-shifting emotions, intuition, and the mysteries of the subconscious, lights up the night sky with its enigmatic glow. It resonates with feelings that ebb and flow, mirroring the cyclical nature of life and relationships. Veiling and unveiling truths, it deals with our deepest fears, dreams, and the shadows of our psyche. On the other...

Justice and Two of Cups

The Justice card represents truth, balance, and fairness. It often relates to legal matters, moral dilemmas, or situations where right action and fair decisions are required. The Two of Cups signifies deep emotional connection, mutual attraction, and harmony, commonly associated with romantic partnerships or close friendships. When combined, these cards suggest...

Two of Cups and Justice

The Two of Cups symbolizes love, relationships, and a strong bond between two individuals, along with balance, chemistry, and compatibility. It suggests the meeting of soulmates, mutual attraction, and emotional connections. Justice represents legal matters, fair and logical decisions, cause and effect, and honesty. It signifies the importance of integrity, consequence,...

Ο Συμβολισμός στην Ταρώ

Οι κάρτες Ταρώ έχουν πλούσιο και περίπλοκο συμβολισμό, που αναφέρετε σε αρχέτυπα και βαθιές μεταφορές. Χρησιμοποιείται μία μεγάλη ποικιλία συμβόλων από διαφορετικές κουλτούρες, θρησκείες και φισολοφικές παραδόσεις, που η καθεμία απ' αυτές έχει τα δικα της ξεχωριστά νοήματα. Αυτά τα σύμβολα μπορεί να είναι αντικείμενα, πλάσματα, τόποι ή αφηρημένα στοιχεία. Κάθε...

Judgment and Ace of Cups

Judgment represents self-evaluation, rebirth, and awakening. The Ace of Cups indicates new emotional beginnings, overflowing feelings, and spiritual abundance. When Judgment and the Ace of Cups come together, they signify an awakening leading to a new emotional beginning or an emotional rebirth. Possible Manifestations of Judgment and the Ace of Cups...

Ace of Cups and Judgment

The Ace of Cups signifies new emotional beginnings, love, compassion, and creativity. Judgment, on the other hand, symbolizes rebirth, self-evaluation, and awakening. The combination of these two cards suggests a profound emotional rebirth. This pairing may indicate that a period of self-evaluation or a significant realization has led to a newfound sense of...

Justice and Ace of Cups

Justice is a card of balance, fairness, truth, and karma. It highlights the importance of making balanced, fair decisions and accepting the consequences of our actions. The Ace of Cups symbolizes the birth of deep feelings, spiritual experiences, love, and intuition. In a reading, the combination of Justice and the Ace of Cups suggests that fair decisions and...

Ντάμα Σπαθί και Εννιά Πεντάκτινο

Η Βασίλισσα των Σπαθιών αντιπροσωπεύει τη δύναμη του μυαλού που τροφοδοτεί ενέργειες και αποφάσεις, τη λογική (και όχι συναισθηματική) διαδικασία πληροφοριών. Η Βασίλισσα των Σπαθιών έχει οξεία διάνοια και καθαρή κρίση. Οι Εννέα Πεντάκτινο είναι η κάρτα της αφθονίας, της άνεσης και της ασφάλειας, αλλά πρωτίστως, είναι η κάρτα της αυτάρκειας και της ανεξαρτησίας....

Week of May 17 to May 23 2021

Aries: Seven of Pentacles: Things seem to be moving along quite nicely and there isn't much that actually needs to be done right now. You will soon taste the results of your effort, but try to remain patient without forcing or pushing .Things still need to ripen, to grow into their full manifestation. While waiting to receive your rewards, take the time to review...

Week of April 19 to April 25 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You feel a strong urge to move forward and make new beginnings and you know that something needs to be done, but you're not quite sure what the right action would be. To figure it out, you must ask questions. Ask yourself what you want your life to be in a year from now and take the right action to make it happen. You will lose some things...