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Week of August 24 to August 30 2020

Aries: Queen of Wands: In order to keep your positive energy flowing, there's a situation that you need to face head on. This is not the time to procrastinate and to have second thoughts. Bold and fast action is needed. Once you take initiative, you will see that things will start going your way finally. There's a debilitating lifestyle that you need to...

Week of July 6 to July 12 2020

Aries:  Hermit: An answer or solution you were looking for is finally within your reach. You will have to work diligently though and it's best that you rely only on yourself for now in order to complete an important task. A virgo may give you valuable insights. It's ok if you prefer to stay in solitude for a while. This is a good time for self-reflection. Taurus...

Week of June 29 to July 5 2020

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: You will notice progress and positive developments around your career and finances. An issue that had been troubling you for a while, these days will start moving forward. You need to feel secure in your workplace and under this influence, you will have the opportunity to find allies and support that will make you feel more confident...

Week of June 22 to June 28 2020

Aries:   Sun: Now that things are finally beginning to make sense, you will find that your thoughts gravitate towards positivity too. You will experience some good moments soon and difficult energies will start shifting. Don't miss opportunities for fun -  you do need to recharge and recoup. Your life is as good as your mindset. Taurus: Strengt...

Week of June 15 to June 21 2020

Aries:   Five of Swords: Are you trying to control everyone around you demanding that it be in your way? Are you viewing every situation as having a victor and a defeated? Try to take a step back and see what effect you're having on other people's lives. Don't be demanding at this stage. Trying to win at all costs can have consequences that you will...

Week of June 8 to June 14 2020

Aries: Nine of Swords: There's a situation that has run its course, but it feels that you are still in denial and you are trying to hold on when you should really let go. Going against the flow will result in frustration and strong opposition from outside factors. Life is wiser than we know. Trust that the universe is showing you new directions. Taurus: T...

Week of June 1 to June 7 2020

Aries: Ace of Cups: There's someone who likes you a lot or there's someone you feel strongly attracted to, but a relationship is still unmanifested. Potential exists but try to let things unfold naturally. Avoid formulating expectations that will lead to worrying. Being too attached will produce unwanted results. Taurus: Chariot: There's something y...

Week of May 25 to May 31 2020

Aries: Knight of Wands: You will feel a great deal of energy and motivation, but you will have to harness and direct those energies into productive channels. Developments will happen fast and it's important to find some long-term goals otherwise this high energy might burn out too soon. Discipline and choice have to come into play. Taurus: Six of Cups...

Week of May 18 to May 24 2020

Aries: Ten of Wands: This might feel like a hard time and  you have a heavy weight on your shoulders. A burden which seems too heavy to carry on your own. But even if that's what you think, you are not alone in this. Ask for help and accept it with grace. The universe is rearranging itself now and you will see light at the end of the tunnel soon. Taurus: ...

Week of May 11 to May 17 2020

Aries: Hermit: You will be doing some soul searching this week, as things have started shifting and you may feel a little confused about which path to take. If you remain still and quiet, you will be amazed at the insight you are going to get. A solution to problem seems possible now. You won't be able to tolerate drama and B.S. anymore. Taurus:  Ten o...