Αναζήτηση για "star"

Week of October 26th to November 1st 2020

Aries: Four of Pentacles: You hate changes that are forced on you and you will fight to maintain a status quo this week. You first need to have a strong foundation to build upon, if anything is to progress in the coming weeks. External circumstances will be tricky and possibly opposed to your plans. Don't go against the tide, but do try to keep what you have...

Week of October 19 to October 25 2020

Aries: Queen of Cups: You will get satisfaction from connecting with others and relationships will be in the spotlight as well as creative and healing projects. There will be a tendency to be a little too sensitive, but that means you will be more intuitive too. Romantic energies are around you now! Don't let emotions dominate your mind. If you are feeling overwhelmed...

Week of October 12 to October 18 2020

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: A financial responsibility will require your attention this week and you will need to have a down to earth and methodical approach. If you put things in perspective you will see that you can easily overcome a challenge. You may have the tendency to be overly protective of others, but although your intentions are good, you may come...

Week of October 5 to October 11 2020

Aries: Nine of Pentacles: it's time now to reap what you have sown and you will find that your past deeds and discipline will produce some very positive results for you. Money is coming your way this week either from your hard work or from someone who owes  you money. You will decide to make a purchase you've been thinking about in a...

Week of September 28 to October 4 2020

Aries:  Five of Cups: You're so focused on a perceived loss that you cannot see the good that remains. You have the power and the resources to regain what was lost and maybe more easily than you think. This is a temporary situation. Don't waste energy thinking about past mistakes. Learn the lesson and move on. Being too sensitive or crying over spilt milk...

Week of September 21 to September 27 2020

Aries:  Strength: Finding balance between two different aspects of your life will be your task this week. Work versus love, personal time versus family time or even your compassionate side versus your rebellious side. It will be clear that something needs to be reconciled. Through the force of reason, you can control any contrast that will arise. Just make sure...

Week of September 14 to September 19 2020

Aries: Moon: Pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive impressions you may get this week, for there may be a message of great importance. Trust your inner voice knowing that you are the best judge at this stage. Feelings of isolation may arise, but that's normal as you are moving forward and the day will soon follow the night. Tread carefully, but don't...

Two of Wands and Four of Pentacles

 The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, dilemmas, and action. It represents a balancing act, triggered by a choice and/or by taking action. The Four of Pentacles is the card of possessions, but also of possessiveness. When it comes up in a reading, we may feel a strong desire to hold on to what we have, be it money, objects, people or situations....

Week of September 7 to September 13 2020

Aries: King of Pentacles: Working on a certain goal that you want to achieve will be great fun now! You know that it's just a matter of time before success comes and you will feel willing to put all the necessary effort to make it happen. If you don't take  your eyes off the ball, you will get more than  you ever expected. You now need grounding energies...

Week of August 31 to Semptember 6 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself resisting and fighting the present moment, wishing things were different than they are. Yet, you are determined to have your way and you are ready to battle with opposition with persistence. You will soon come to realize that the reason for your frustration and pain is not a change that you fear, but resistance itself....