search "tarot"

Four of Swords and Four of Cups

When we get a combination of cards of the same number, we should always take into account what that specific number represents. In Tarot, 4s symbolize stability, foundations, results, but also stagnation and resistance to change. The Four of Swords represents a break, a pause, a desire to find peace of mind, while the Four of Cups is related to routine, stagnation,...

Page of Wands and Empress

The Page of Wands is a dynamic, energetic card, associated with the desire to create. Enthusiasm, bold moves, spontaneity, new beginnings and messages are associated with this Page. The Empress on the other hand, is a passive, wise, nurturing and supportive energy, associated with the natural world, abundance and fertility. She is the Mother archetype in Tarot....

Hanged Man and Page of Swords

The Hanged Man is one of the most passive cards of Tarot. It indicates a period of time when everything stands still. The Hanged Man is also associated with sacrifice and martyrdom. On the contrary, the Page of Swords is a highly energetic card. Talkative, inquisitive, straightforward, the Page of Swords is related to communications, ideas, speech. The combination...

Tower and Three of Wands

The Tower is one of the most violent cards of Tarot. It shows unexpected changes or sudden realizations that in most cases, we are not prepared to face. That said, the Tower can also be the most cathartic card. It removes illusions and opens up new doors for us. The Three of Wands is the card of the future, as it describes our expectations and the consequences...

Empress and Ten of Pentacles

The Empress is a passive, wise, nurturing, supportive energy, associated with the natural world, abundance and fertility. She is the Mother archetype of Tarot. The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business concerns. It symbolizes assets, security, traditions, and inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people, like for example the neighborhood or...